Re-landscaping from wbarnebey on Vimeo.
This afternoon they started ripping out the shrubs around our windows. I was listening to The Ronettes when the Bobcat showed up.
Re-landscaping from wbarnebey on Vimeo.
This afternoon they started ripping out the shrubs around our windows. I was listening to The Ronettes when the Bobcat showed up.
Divulged by wb at 20:42 0 comments
Labeled: domicile
Divulged by wb at 23:39 0 comments
Labeled: EEE, foodstuffs
Last weekend I received an email from my brother Evan proclaiming the next Barnebey Family Ethinic Eating Event Sushi Sunday. It went something like this:
I know everyone has been waiting and wondering about the continuation of the EEE machine. There have been some questions about whether an August EEE took place. August was a bit differeent as the Barnebey clan went north and created a ruckus in Maine. The entire week was EEE themed and we have pictures and menus to prove it. That being said...I'm going to have miss the actual tuna hunt, but I'm not going to miss all that freshly caught mercury. Because yesterday I bought a ticket back to Phila. Despite the promise of jugbands and backyard snacking in Iowa City. Sorry Joanna, I hope I didn't make a terrible decision. There's already been some second guessing. My (United) flight from MSN is delayed for 2 hours, meaning I'd miss my (US Air) flight from ORD to PHL. So I got myself onto a(n) (American) flight that leaves in 30 minutes that should get me to Chicago in time for a (United) flight to Philly at 9:15. That means I won't get in until past midnight though, after train service from the aeroporto stops for the night. I had to ruin the surprise and tell Papa Barnebey I was coming so he could pick me up. He's going to try to sneak out without letting my mom in on the secret though.
Next Sunday September 28th has been officially designated Sushi Sunday. The impetus for this event is the Tuna fishing trip being taken by EEE members Taylor, Alonzo, and Larry. So there will be Tuna that has been dead for a handful of hours, what better excuse for Sushi could there be.
Additionally, this is the going away party for Taylor, who has offically worn out his welcome in the tri-state area. So come celebrate the Taylor-free future.
Bring your saki!!
Divulged by wb at 18:52 2 comments
Labeled: B2G2, EEE, foodstuffs, phila.
You know how everybody has their own slight variation of rules for Asshole? New Berlin, WI has the worst rules ever. On each of the three basic parameters along which Asshole is likely to vary they do it wrong. Terribly wrong.
1. Socials: if you tell me I can't complete a social whenever I want I'll ask you what's so social about that anyway. If you tell me that a social only requires 3 cards, I'll tell you you're an idiot and I hate your rules.
2. Three's: In New Berlin 3's do nothing. Boring.
3. Doubles/Triples: What, you can play doubles on singles? Way to eliminate the last vestige of strategy from this seemingly enjoyable game.
Divulged by wb at 21:29 4 comments
Labeled: activities
Divulged by wb at 13:44 3 comments
Labeled: academia
Lately I've been living with a double German threat. That's twice our apartment's normal German level. And about 1.5 Germans more than I'm comfortable with. In addition to The German, our normal German contingent, Die Frau has been living in our basement bunker for the last couple of weeks too. Don't worry, they haven't gassed me yet. But neither does all the German accouterment in our bathroom set my mind at ease when I'm in the shower.
1. Kinder-Creme
You know the saying, "If tin whistles are made of tin, what are Kinder Cremes made of?" I'm basing my translation of 'kinder' on 'kindergarten' and my convenient little translation widget tells me that 'haut' means 'strikes'. Which begs the question, what exactly is this creme's purpose?
2. Sport-Gel
It's not that Sport-Gel is really that strange to see on an item in a bathroom, it's just strange to see it on a tube of toothpaste. I'm usually a shoo-in for new and interesting flavors of tooth products, but I don't think I would ever put a sport-gel in my mouth. Maybe if it was mango-mint flavored. Doesn't a mango-mint toothpaste sound good?
3. Bio-Rose
Bio-Rose. For some reason this absolutely unnerves me.
4. Extra Stark
Because of course the Germans are looking for a hair product to make them as stark as possible.
5. Pflegeöl
This is just funny. Say it, it's funny!
Divulged by wb at 19:11 2 comments
Divulged by wb at 09:34 2 comments
Labeled: Scrabble, Scrabulous/Wordscraper, tumblr
Divulged by wb at 01:26 0 comments
Labeled: sorrywhitney, The Telly
Divulged by wb at 10:19 1 comments
I feel like I'm in trouble. Just as the semester starts anew, I've gotten in way over my head, TV series-wise. I started watching Strangers With Candy a couple of weeks ago. Then I decided it was finally time to go back and figure out what really happened in the first season of Veronica Mars since Joanna had gotten me hooked back in March on the first 8 episodes of season 2. I've still got season 1 and 2 of The Wire waiting for me to get to. And yesterday I bought the iTunes season pass to Mad Men season 2. And Gossip Girl started again. And I just watched the premier of the new 90210, which is going to be taking up time on Tuesday nights from now on.
Divulged by wb at 22:36 3 comments
Labeled: charts+graphs, The Telly