
It's Dutch, Just Sound It Out

Remember that bike ride out to Phoenixville I told you about yesterday? Well, it was out along the ever expanding Schuylkill River Trail, which runs along the old Pennsylvania Railroad right-of-way. Which is right next to the old Reading Railroad right-of-way. Did you know Monopoly® was patented by a guy who lived a couple blocks from where I grew up? It's true. And I drove by his house today; I didn't know it until I read his Wikipedia page though.

The Schuylkill, Phila.'s #2 river, is best known by its 3 mile stretch above the Fairmount Dam, home to boathouse row and overpopulated recreational trails. But it does a whole lot of other things too, like go to Reading and Phoenixville, not to mention Pottsville (home to America's oldest operating brewery). It also outlines the edge of Philadelphia's hairline. Did you know Philadelphia City/County looks like a lady with a big nose and huge hair‽ This is turning into a geography lesson.

Anyway, look at where we rode. It was about 50 miles round trip we figure. And the point of all of this is that Papa Barnebey says he's riding his bike across the country next summer. He's already done Miami to Philly, Philly to Maine, Iowa, D.C. to Pittsburgh, among others. He doesn't even have a real road bike, it's a hybrid. And he likes to sit bolt upright. Totally uncool.

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