The Triple Wedding: Part 3
Wedding #3: The Footloose Wedding
Katie and I started this one off with some Jack & Gingers somewhere over Michigan. Disturbingly, it was Katie's first drink plane-side, something we fixed by continuing to drink Jack & Gingers all weekend long. Or maybe that was because they're the perfect drink to kick up your heels with in the crisp New England air. The point being, we drank a lot of Jack.
Unfortunately our destination this weekend was not Portland, ME; The Double Portland would have to wait. But we were going to Maine, and after recovering from our first bottle of Jack, taking a couple of trolleys, and doing some artsy loitering, we couldn't wait to get ourselves up to the Vacation State.
[City Loitering]
[Country Loitering]
Sure, we may have done some leaf-peeping on the way up (don't act like you haven't done it), but what we were really looking to peep were some fat, red lobster butts. Did you know that Southern Maine is chock-a-block with Thai restaurants? We had to peep a bunch of those, not to mention a pile of HPV pumpkins, before we found just the right lobster spot with our preferred list of supplies—lobsters, a pot, butter.
Post-lobster, we had to pop our hopper into high gear and get ourselves dressed and de-lobstered to make sure we didn't miss the wedding trolley out to the barn. This time the very open bar was not sidelined by lack of dancing floors and/or music; the barn was a-dance before dinner was over. Take that Kevin Bacon.
Despite the brief scare we had at the check-in counter involving first a missing reservation, and then a single boarding pass to Detroit, it turned out to be a really good decision.
Location: a barn not that close to Portland, ME
Highlights: Katie, the party trolley, Crapples2Crapplesx2, the barn dance
Music: dance party
Company: 2 new Facebook friends, so many Crapples lovers
Food Discovery: Kristen's brussels, Kristen's sausages
Sway: Chansky's Sway, originator of the reverse headbang
On a scale of 1 to fun: FUN
[Katie, Whitney, Hotdog Hat]
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