
'Writer Party

[Ezra W. L. Pound, Remington Steele, Guy Vandertype, Paige]

Last Thursday weather.gov was predicting thunderstorms in Madison over the weekend. It also claimed saturday's high was going to be 30°F. I've never been in an ice thunderstorm, but it seems like just the right precipitation for staying up all night typing our murder mystery novels by candlelight. 

The government was wrong—it was 35 with light flurries. So we went to Shutter Island instead. I hated it by minute 35. If I had had a pen with me I would have stabbed myself in the jugular sometime around minute 75. When it was finally over at minute 138 I had started to give myself a frontal lobotomy. I'd rather live life never knowing what Ben Kingsley was up to than ever relive those 2 hours again. Zero Ws out of 10.

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