Voulez-vous jouer Scrabble avec moi?
Divulged by wb at 17:29 0 comments
Labeled: Expensive Ws, Le France, Scrabble, World Editions
The Greyhound Lifestyle
Divulged by wb at 14:56 1 comments
Labeled: Games, QRANK, Rogue Internet, sweater × thursday
I Joined Them At The Same Time
No really. Call me. Between 3:00 and 4:00.
Divulged by wb at 19:23 1 comments
Labeled: life choices, Quitney, quitting
Patch Peepin'
It's fall, and one thing I love to do during the fall is to peep shit. I'll peep leaves, and lobsters for sure, but I'd never turn down a chance to head out to a patch and peep some pump's. Then this happened. It's like 19th century Ireland all over again.
But old machinery is really only made for two things, laying on and jumping from. Done & done.
The Chuck Wagon |
Divulged by wb at 16:45 0 comments
Labeled: Autumns of My Life, Face Down, Jump Shot, Peeping/Leafing, wagons
Dock Organisation
Divulged by wb at 12:36 1 comments
Labeled: Colors of the Wind, Organization Schema
I Quit You
I made the horrifying discovery this afternoon that I still had Entourage listed as a favorite television show on The Facebook when I got an update asking me what my favorite Drama quote was. I wish more shows were as timeless as elimiDATE.
Divulged by wb at 15:58 0 comments
Labeled: corrections, sorrywhitney