
Vampire Weekend

Vampires have really been getting a lot of attention recently. With all this increased exposure it's no wonder we're learning more and more about them, and about ourselves. We already know that Katie has a vampire hair-twin. It turns out that she has a vampire voice-twin twin too.

Jason Segel - Dracula's Lament

IMG_3056Next up, Joanna's hair-twin. They've got to be out there somewhere, it's just a matter of which vampire series they're going to show up in. Keep your eyes open for other uni-directional hairdos, specifically ones avoiding the sunlight &/or spattered in blood.

Per usual, the weekend included a jumpshot session. Props can either go really well or really poorly. I feel pretty good about how my wooden stake turned out, but Joanna's invisible trapeze worked out also.


Sealander said...

I was sort of hoping you would mention the band here.

Alex said...

Dude, who gives a fuck about an oxford comma?