If you've been hoping that I was going to stop talking about this
Play Density thing sometime soon, skip ahead now. If you've been waiting to hear about the latest developments, I've got just the thing for you!
First up is some new terminology via the brother Evan—The Densitometer, i.e. the tool that measures the densitosity of a song in the burgeoning field of Densitometry. This was the sole useful contribution that came from our lengthy, multi-day email exchange we had on the topic last week. It wasn't worth it.
Next in line, the long awaited playlist function! Finally, a playlist of your Dearest Densest songs. It's like they're just lined up waiting to be played again. This requires a little bit of applescripting; it's like regular scripting, but on a Mac. Don't try it on a PC. Also, don't judge me on my questionable skripting skillz.
1 Macintosh
updated Play Density excel document [see
previous post for setup instructions]
1 AppleScript application [available below]
1 double click of the mouse
What you'll need to do:
⓵ open that file in your AppleScript Editor
⓶ change the values at the top of the document for
file_path and
file_name to suite your own computer/file location
➠ file_path is where you keep your Play Density documents in correct "Hard Drive Name:Users:user name:folder name:" format
➠ file_name is the name of your Play Density excel document
⓷ choose
Save As from the
File menu and set
File Format to
Application⓸ double click your newly saved application
⓹ wait while Excel gets itself together
⓺ watch as iTunes populates your playlist
⓻ indulge your