
Die Eiwaffe!

After 5 interminable weeks, Martin's Brown-Egged reign of terror has finally come to an end. He's been buying browns, and only browns, ever since I found this fake egg in an Iowa City Hobby Lobby. It's like he knew I was scheming up an egg swap and was just buying brown to spite me. Ach!

I figured him out though. All it took was a late night egg tossing/squeezing session to get rid of the last of his latest brown dozen. Which provided the perfect pretense to give him my eggs as replacements. And so operation Porcelain Egg begins...

[03.11.09 09:40] Update: Subject fried 2 eggs this morning. Appears unaware of swap. Observation continues.


Alex said...

Zu comisch!

Jobonga said...

This must mean Martin doesn't read your blog. How come we don't talk about him more often? I want some video.

wb said...

I need to get my hands on some anti-brown egg propaganda. A new carton showed up yesterday; the imposture and its 2 comrades were returned to me unused.

Jobonga said...

Foiled! Those crafty Germans.