
Rat in the Grass

Grabble Flat.jpg

Rizzo always tends to get jealous when I spend too much time with Kermit. I figured I'd take him out for a little game of Grabble® this afternoon to cheer him up. He's not the party rat for nothing; we had a great time. And some serious words got played (OLYMPIAD!). He still has issues with that frog though.

This nice little sweater vest was gifted to me by one T-Schwenn when he left for the Big Apple last year. I don't know how I lived my life before I owned it but that life can only have a been a shadow of the life I live now. It's become a staple. A big heavy duty wood staple.

Tommy asked when this sweater would make it into a Sweater Thursday lineup a while ago; it was too early then, it feels so right now.

# of Frames: 8

1 comment:

Tommy said...

I feel Stella at the end of Stella Dallas as she watches through the window as her now-estranged daughter marries into the rich, stable family.